How and When to Start Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth


In the first year of a baby’s life, there are numerous milestones for parents to keep track of: their baby’s first smile, first word, first time crawling, first solid food, and, of course, the arrival of their baby’s first tooth. As your baby is growing up, it is exciting to see new developments in their life. However, one of the surprisingly noteworthy events often overlooked in a baby’s growing period is the first time they brush their teeth. It may be tempting to delay worrying about your little one’s smile until they have a mouthful of teeth, but caring for their oral hygiene should begin much earlier than that. You do not need to wait until the first tooth breaks through gum lines to take the initial steps toward ensuring the baby’s dental well-being. You may start caring for a baby’s gum as soon as they are born. Here is guidance from the best pediatrician in Ahmedabad about how and when to start brushing your little one’s teeth.

Before Teeth Emerge:

  • Gum Cleaning:

Your baby’s first tooth may come in anytime between 4 and 12 months of age. During the delightful phase when your baby’s mouth is just with a gummy smile, you can use a wet soft cloth or a finger brush to wipe their gums, effectively removing bacteria. This helps to safeguard against damage to their baby teeth as they begin to arrive and has the added positive habit of having their mouths gently brushed and lying for good oral hygiene.

After Teeth Emerge:

  • First Tooth:

Once your baby’s teeth make an appearance above the gumline, it is recommended to add a routine of brushing their teeth for a minimum of two minutes, twice a day. One of these times should be after their meal and before bed to avoid allowing food or milk to sit in their mouth overnight. It would help if you also planned to schedule an appointment with the best pediatric care in Ahmedabad either following the eruption of their first tooth or before their first birthday, whichever comes first. This is also a good time to progress from using a washcloth or finger brush to a child-size brush with a soft bristle. This adjustment allows you to keep a bit away from those little incisors, ensuring gentle yet effective oral hygiene.

  • Transition to Toothpaste:

Use a damp toothbrush to create a gentle circular motion on the front, back, and top surfaces of all teeth, along with the gumline. For children under the age of 3, you may opt to use a smear of toothpaste approximately the size of a grain of rice. Assist your child in angling their mouth downward to allow the toothpaste to flow out into the sink, a cup, or onto a washcloth. Encourage them to spit out the toothpaste as they become more adept at the task.

Brushing Routine:

  • Frequency:

As your child‘s mouth fills up with teeth, it is important to maintain consistency by brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste recommended by a top pediatrician in Ahmedabad. Encourage your little one to develop the habit of spitting after brushing, promoting good oral hygiene practices. If your child still has no teeth by 18 months, it is advisable to book an appointment at a hospital for a child in Ahmedabad. Discussing delayed tooth eruption with the best pediatric care in Ahmedabad can help to know any potential concerns and ensure the ongoing concerns of your baby;s oral health.

  • Supervision:

Between the ages of 3 to 6 years, children should learn how to brush their teeth. At this stage, increasing the amount of fluoride toothpaste to pea-sized amounts is recommended, and applied on an age-appropriate toothbrush. You will need to still assist your child with brushing at this stage to ensure they are brushing effectively. Encourage your child to spit out any excess toothpaste and not swallow it. You will still need to assist your child with brushing, usually around 6 to 7 age until they are doing it themselves

  • Techniques:

As your baby’s teeth emerge, transition to a damp toothbrush and make a gentle circular motion on the front, back, and top surfaces of the teeth including the gum line. For children under the age of 3, consider using a smear of toothpaste about the size of a grain of rice. Make sure to clean all surfaces of teeth including fronts and backs.

  • Positive reinforcement:

Adding a touch of fun and distraction can make toothbrushing a more enjoyable experience for some babies. Sing your baby’s favorite song while brushing your little one’s teeth or create playful variations such as “Old McDonald has a brush” or “Mary had a little tooth”. Your little one might respond with a delightful, tiny-tooth smile. Another effective strategy is to indicate tooth-brushing by having a grown-up go first, showcasing enjoyment in the process. Turn into a game by saying, “ Dad goes first, now your turn! These activities make it more enjoyable and cooperative.

  • Regular Dental checkups:

It is advisable to plan and schedule your baby’s first visit to the best pediatrician in Ahmedabad promptly. This visit should occur either after the eruption of their first tooth or before their first birthday, whichever milestone comes first. The early introduction of the best pediatric care in Ahmedabad helps to monitor oral development and address any concerns or questions about your baby’s oral health if you have one.


  • Avoid Bottled Drinks At Bedtime:

Don’t put your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or juice. The sugars in these drinks may lead to tooth decay, so it is advisable to limit their consumption, particularly before bedtime.

  • Wean From Pacifier Or Thumb Sucking:

Encourage your child to stop this habit of pacifier use of thumb sucking before the age of 2. This helps to prevent dental issues like misalignments and palate development issues.

  • Lead By Example:

Show good oral hygiene habits by letting your child see you brush your teeth. This visual example can serve as an inspiration for them to mimic the behavior, and create a positive example of dental care from an early age.


Starting your baby’s oral care early sets them up for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. It is recommended to make an appointment with a hospital for children in Ahmedabad when your baby’s first tooth emerges or by their first birthday. Our best pediatrician in Ahmedabad is constantly working with the smallest of patients and has the experience necessary to help them feel at ease. Taking these early steps in oral care helps to make positive habits and promotes lifelong dental health.


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